Thursday, July 9, 2009

Subtle mind energy

I wish I had the CD to tell you how I was able to do the subtle mind exercise but I don't so I'm going to tell you another exercise that is simpler to what Dacher addresses in his book. Subtle mind energy is sometimes called the Aura. I found out by focusing on a point in my room I was able to block out everything. There was a point where I was scared because someone rang the door bell, but I was able to redirect my focus again. Part of my exercise was to hold my arms out, bring my hands closer together and feel the energy between my hands. During this exercise I had to say ‘I ask that the TrueSpirit teams work with me NOW. I ask that they give me everything to make me as sensitive as possible to all the subtle energies around me. I ask to have my sensitivity to subtle energies amplified a million fold. I ask for this now – and so it is – thank you.’ The quote from Constance Rodriguez a spiritual teacher who help others develop their Aura. Any how I continued with the exercise for nearly 30 minutes. When I was finish I was able to feel more of my surrounds (this was kind of weird) of the energy. When a family member was approaching the door to come in I could tell who it was before the door open. Is feeling energy good? I think so because it will help tell the body when it is in danger or not.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Loving Kindness exercise

Sun Bible!Image by Denis Collette...!!! via Flickr

For some reason I didn't receive a CD to the Dacher book so I had to research ways to do the loving kindness exercise along with reading page 67-69

Love is the most powerful force. I kept this thought in my mind as I also thought of my children. They are the best parts on me. Relaxed myself in a room with no interferences around me was first hard but I was able to block out noise from outside chatter. Once I was I was able to focus , I thought of love of my children, their laughter, smiles, and funny faces they would make when they are playing. It was hard for me to turn the same feelings I have for my children on myself. After maybe 10-15 min give or take I decided to stop because I started realizing I never think about loving myself.
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