Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Loving Kindness exercise

Sun Bible!Image by Denis Collette...!!! via Flickr

For some reason I didn't receive a CD to the Dacher book so I had to research ways to do the loving kindness exercise along with reading page 67-69

Love is the most powerful force. I kept this thought in my mind as I also thought of my children. They are the best parts on me. Relaxed myself in a room with no interferences around me was first hard but I was able to block out noise from outside chatter. Once I was I was able to focus , I thought of love of my children, their laughter, smiles, and funny faces they would make when they are playing. It was hard for me to turn the same feelings I have for my children on myself. After maybe 10-15 min give or take I decided to stop because I started realizing I never think about loving myself.
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1 comment:

  1. I wanted to post this comment to your blog--but your blog would not allow me to do so. So, I thought I would email it to you, and maybe you could post it on your blog for me. Your blog is stating that only members of the blog can post a comment. Here is my comment to you:
    You made perfect sense, even though you did not have your CD you put forth positive effort to finish what you started. I am saying this in a loving manner OK? Stop running from issues that you find within yourself that are helpful and truthful to overcome human issues that we as mothers deal with on a daily. You helped me so much with just that statement you made about not loving self. You could not focus on loving you--Mika I am the same way. I have allowed myself to totally ignore the fact that I am very girly and a beautiful person for the sake of taking care of my little ones--its called sacrifice, its a natural move that mother's bestow upon their little ones. I think if we could stop and just meditate on loving ourselves, it would help us produce a positive state for us to live in mentally. thank you so much for your honesty. God bless you, angie:)
