Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unit 10

As I said in my first discussion post in unit 10, it is hard for me to score myself. I have came along way since the beginning of this course Creating Wellness-Psych. & Spirit. Asp. of Healing. My life has changed so much with my family as well as the general people around me. I'm not looking at the bottom anymore, I'm only looking up with positive energy, laughter, joy, love. healing, and more. I see my human experience as a journey with God to one day be reunited with him again in heaven. As the saying goes: "We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are Spiritual Beings going through a temporary human experience."

Review the goals and activities you set for yourself in each area. Have you made progress toward the goals? Explain.

Right now I have short term goals because they are the ones I feel I can complete. Those short term goals are to mediate alone 2 twice a day in the morning and before bed. Continue to read more about Integral Health. My second short term goal is to find an affordable Qi Gong/Yoga class for both fitness and mentally. The last short term goal I have is to find a church that I feel welcome in and to find others who share some of the same spiritual beliefs.

Have you implemented the activities you chose for your well-being in each of the three areas? Explain.

Right now I am using the Loving - Kindness and Subtle Mind exercises which I'm still a baby in. I hope with more practice I will be able to use these exercises unconsciously.

Summarize your personal experience throughout this course. Have you developed improved well-being? What has been rewarding? What has been difficult? How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?

This class have been wonderful, there was nothing difficult about the HW420 course once my mind was engage into the world of Integral Healing. As the end of my college journey comes closer I will look for a career that I can bring the practice of Integral Healing be it Nursing or my favorite Chinese Herbal Medicine..


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Final Project Unit 9

Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? As doctors begin to work with patients having the means to emotionally be able to manage stress, possess self-esteem and self acceptance, and appropriately sharing your feelings with others will help the patients to be able to trust that the doctor isn’t looking pass them as a person. Having an open heart, an unconditional mind, and has a welcoming physical setting will also help the patient not to feel uneasy (Dacher 2006 p171). Doctors should also have developed ways to use their mind with loving kindness, in order to have a feel and hear what their patients are experiencing. Spiritually the connection that doctors need to their patients can be 1 of empathic listening and caring.
As I continue to learn the ways of integral health, I found all areas of psychologically, spiritually and physically needs to be address in my life. As some people will say “Tamika is like a wave in the ocean”. I find myself never level in any part of my life. I guess it all depends on my mood to bring out how I am in the moment. Psychologically I need to be able to slow down racing thoughts, open my mind and think outside the box. Even though I’m less judgmental towards others, I find myself unconsciously still judging people on their views on the world. The most hurtful part of my psychologically wellness is my anger. Although I have come along way from where I was having a raging fit on a drop of a dime, last week I almost lost in with my anger on my husband. On a scale of 1 – 10 I guess I would rate myself as a 4 in this area. I want to keep operating ways to calm my mind with the exercises from Elliot Dacher’s book and from the new book I just bought called “Awakening to Mindfulness.
My spiritual life is strange I think because I seem to reach out for different things like I’m lost. I do believe in my Heavenly Father, I believe in John 3:16, but at the same time I wonder about how life began for humanity. Are we from a cell organism that grew into humans or did God created us through Adam and Eve? I pray so I will continue to pray for the right path, safety, patience and more. Spiritual I scored myself as a 6 because I have a long way to go in Christ.
Physically, I find myself relapsing in my fitness. About a month ago I started going to the gym working out 3 times week 2 hours per visit, and now I think the last time I have been to the gym was 2 weeks ago. I truly have no excuse other than developing the swine flu 4 days ago. Sometimes I think my health is my only reason why I don’t stay in the gym. I hate seeing myself losing my balance or unable to pick up a weight not because of how much it weights but because my muscles are too weak. I also need to eat healthier and stay away from all the additives that are in non organic foods. I know so much on what is unhealthy in foods to the point where I tell doctors what to do for their patients. Over all I scored myself as a 7.
As I look at my life, I see the changes that need to be done if I want to have been human flourishing. My goal is to take one step at a time and use the exercises in Dacher’s book for my mind. I feel once I have my mind in order the other parts of my life will follow. In the book that I spoke of earlier Awakening to Mindfulness it covers 10 steps for a positive change, and I plan to follow the steps. The more positivity feels I have in my life the better my personal and professional life will be.
For me physically goals I have a list: 1. Eat more organically and leave fast foods alone. 2. Start going back to the gym for 30 minutes 3 times a week. 3. Take a yoga class for my mind-body-soul. & 4. Start on a medication that will slow down my disease.
In order for me to achieve my goals in health and wellness, I plan to keep a journal of my life everyday from what I eat to see my counselor weekly as well as intending a church every Saturday. I plan to find a partner who shares some of the same goals, so we can fight this positive fight together.