Monday, July 20, 2009

The universal Loving Kindness

When I did the universal Loving Kindness exercise I made sure to do it before I went to sleep. I found out after the third time I did the exercise at night I slept better.

During the night before I go to sleep I play a soft sound of music that helps relax me along with taking deep breaths. I well on to say words of positive words for myself as well as others. These words are from "Universal Loving Kindness" meditation by Venerable Henepola Gunaratana: UNIVERSAL LOVING KINDNESS

May I be well, happy, and peaceful.
May no harm come to me.
May no difficulties come to me.
May no problems come to me.
May I always meet with success.
May I also have patience, courage, understanding, and determination
To meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in life.
May my parents be well, happy, and peaceful.
May my teachers be well,and success
May my relatives be well and find peace
May my friends be well and find peace
May all persons be well and find peace
May my enemies be well and find peace
May all living beings be well, happy and peaceful

I realize when I was saying these words I needed to say them with energy and believe what I was saying. It was hard for me to say loving words when it came to my enemies. I started feeling very negative because it brought up images of the time when I was rape. God it took a lot out of me. I then started to see what areas I need to focus on in my life. Love. I need to start showing love and have more Patience in my life. Love and patience to myself and Love and patience to those who are close to me. I plan to continue the subtle mind exercise because I was able to receive more from it.


  1. Mika,
    I like what you have stated here. Learning to pray for those who have caused us harm can be very difficult at times, but it is the most rewarding when you can learn to forgive those whom have hurt us in some phyiscal, fashion or form. God gives us the strength to let go of all hurt and pain and allow him the right to take revenge on all forms of adversity in our lives. I know its hard. I know this from first hand experience but once you release the pain on why did this happen to me, you can better understand how to forgive. THROUGH PRAYER ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE~~EVEN FORGIVNESS..

  2. Hi Mika,
    I found that the exercise helped me sleep better also. I believe this maybe due to releasing the negative emotions through positive ones and eases our mind as well as our heart.
    I am glad to know that you made it through such a difficult time in your life. I agree with you that praying for those that have caused pain and hurt is very difficult, yet I believe when we can do this we become a better person for we are able to move forward in our life. Take care.

  3. Mika,
    Thank you for sharing so much of your life here. Most people do not have the courage to do it. The more you talk about it the better you can heal. Although, the wounds are very very deep, do know that people love you and care about you and want you to be happy.
    Pray for the person that was so evil to you. I know it seems hard to pray for someone who was evil to you, but know that person will be judged by a much higher being.
