Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Thoughts on Meditation the Subtle Mind & Loving Kindness

From what I've learned from taking this class the two meditation exercise I found have the most affect on me are the subtle mind and loving kindness. With the subtle mind I see myself able to engage in witnessing my mind more. The witnessing of my mind so fare has allow me to focus more on whatever I'm doing. This is great for me since I was once told I had ADD. Even saying that I have ADD is beginning to be hard for me to except since I'm being to also do more mindful meditation. With mindfulness I find it funny to listen to people say the same thing in different ways and not just say it one time.

The loving kindness have been great for me and my family because each relationship have been better. I try not to judge and if they need help I am able to be more selfless instead of selfish. With the universal loving kindness I am able to listen to others and show more caring feelings even with the people who I have had bad connections with.


  1. ~MiKa~
    The subtle mind and loving kindness exercises are ones that I consider very interesting. I found both exercises to be very forth coming with peace and love. I also feel that a lot can be gained from the loving kindness exercise, learning to love others as well as self is a very wonderful accomplishment when it is obtained and understood. I am glad that you have found both exercises helpful. Angie

  2. Mika:
    Thank you for your blog post. Until I read your most recent post, I did not realize that the exercises we have been doing in class have changed my relationships with others. I knew they helped me from within, but you're right, my external relationships are enhanced as well.
    Thanks for the insight.

  3. Those are the two that I pick as well. Being able to calm my mind was a hard thing. It still is hard, but I know that after practice I can become better at it. I once was one of those people that say the same thing in different ways. Now I notice that I'm doing that and now when others do it, it kind of annoys me. Hee hee. Great post.
