Thursday, October 22, 2009

Food Allergies

A thought came to me today.Why not open a store geared to people who suffer from food allergies in the state in which I live. I have been dealing with food allergies just about all my life. My uncle suffers from Tree nuts, my mother suffers from strawberries and my brother suffer from fish, peanuts and tree nuts. Above all my 5 year old son who has had 4 times of a close call of his peanut, tree nut, and sesame seed allergy. It is so hard trying to find hollaween candy, christmas, birthday candy for my son. last Feb my youngest daughter had a school birthday party and their father didn't realize that the cup cakes he brought had traces of peanuts. It was a sad day for my son who sat and 4 yrs old and watch everyone else eat these cup cakes. To see the picture of him nearly broke my heart. If anyone read this article this is what families suffer from everyday. I will look more into opening a store for families who can know that they can find treats for their children as well as adults....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Seasonal flu shot and the swine

I haven't been on here in a while and so here I am. Over the last weekend I decided to take the seasonal flu shot, not because I wanted it but because my youngest daughter has asthma and I felt I would try it first to see if I will allow her to have it. Now I'm suffering because the vaccine has caused me to have a flare of my disease (multiple sclerosis). Some help huh? Here I am scared out of my mind because of the swine flu and the chance of dying when everyday we have a chance of dying. The swine flu isn't new and yes in 1918-1919 a lot of Americans died from it. I don't think it was because of the flu itself but rather not being clean. Today we are more health conscious. Over all I hope that the next wave will stay mild...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Illuminati Expose

This is a video that I felt in my heart that everyone who are walking in the spirit of our Heavenly Father should watch. After listening to this man look up more information on him. As we walk through life we learn to glorify the Lord above. This man have been through a lot now he is trying to help others...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Living a Dream

Removing the fear of the unknown is something we all much do in order to move forward in one life. This is what I'm beginning to see. Every since I was a child I wanted to be in a movie or on TV..What kids doesn't have this dream? Well yesterday I live my dream in a movie that is being filmed in my home state. Hopefully I don't get edited out. I pray to God that it doesn't. To be in the same room with an actor who I only would see on the movie was out of the world for me (being that I have a crush on him) shh. Well I will continue to seek out more movie parts be it extra or knock on wood a speaking role to keep living my dream..Thank you Jesus!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Next Chapter

I'm in the next chapter in my life with today being my 31st birthday. I had to mediate on having another year of life of wellness. This is something I've never done before. God has truly blessed me with all the life problems that I had. Some people have told me how they can't believe I was in the Army, I had three children and yet still going to school. Yes I love learning,I love meeting people and I love helping others. I now see what my life purpose is. I want no I need to help others be it young or elderly with their mind-body-soul. From me being a medical assistant to learning what I have learned in Kaplan I look forward into finishing my education in Health and Wellness to continue along my path to become a doctor in Chinese Herbal Medicine (cross my fingers)...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Unit 10

As I said in my first discussion post in unit 10, it is hard for me to score myself. I have came along way since the beginning of this course Creating Wellness-Psych. & Spirit. Asp. of Healing. My life has changed so much with my family as well as the general people around me. I'm not looking at the bottom anymore, I'm only looking up with positive energy, laughter, joy, love. healing, and more. I see my human experience as a journey with God to one day be reunited with him again in heaven. As the saying goes: "We are not human beings going through a temporary spiritual experience. We are Spiritual Beings going through a temporary human experience."

Review the goals and activities you set for yourself in each area. Have you made progress toward the goals? Explain.

Right now I have short term goals because they are the ones I feel I can complete. Those short term goals are to mediate alone 2 twice a day in the morning and before bed. Continue to read more about Integral Health. My second short term goal is to find an affordable Qi Gong/Yoga class for both fitness and mentally. The last short term goal I have is to find a church that I feel welcome in and to find others who share some of the same spiritual beliefs.

Have you implemented the activities you chose for your well-being in each of the three areas? Explain.

Right now I am using the Loving - Kindness and Subtle Mind exercises which I'm still a baby in. I hope with more practice I will be able to use these exercises unconsciously.

Summarize your personal experience throughout this course. Have you developed improved well-being? What has been rewarding? What has been difficult? How will this experience improve your ability to assist others?

This class have been wonderful, there was nothing difficult about the HW420 course once my mind was engage into the world of Integral Healing. As the end of my college journey comes closer I will look for a career that I can bring the practice of Integral Healing be it Nursing or my favorite Chinese Herbal Medicine..


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Final Project Unit 9

Why is it important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically? As doctors begin to work with patients having the means to emotionally be able to manage stress, possess self-esteem and self acceptance, and appropriately sharing your feelings with others will help the patients to be able to trust that the doctor isn’t looking pass them as a person. Having an open heart, an unconditional mind, and has a welcoming physical setting will also help the patient not to feel uneasy (Dacher 2006 p171). Doctors should also have developed ways to use their mind with loving kindness, in order to have a feel and hear what their patients are experiencing. Spiritually the connection that doctors need to their patients can be 1 of empathic listening and caring.
As I continue to learn the ways of integral health, I found all areas of psychologically, spiritually and physically needs to be address in my life. As some people will say “Tamika is like a wave in the ocean”. I find myself never level in any part of my life. I guess it all depends on my mood to bring out how I am in the moment. Psychologically I need to be able to slow down racing thoughts, open my mind and think outside the box. Even though I’m less judgmental towards others, I find myself unconsciously still judging people on their views on the world. The most hurtful part of my psychologically wellness is my anger. Although I have come along way from where I was having a raging fit on a drop of a dime, last week I almost lost in with my anger on my husband. On a scale of 1 – 10 I guess I would rate myself as a 4 in this area. I want to keep operating ways to calm my mind with the exercises from Elliot Dacher’s book and from the new book I just bought called “Awakening to Mindfulness.
My spiritual life is strange I think because I seem to reach out for different things like I’m lost. I do believe in my Heavenly Father, I believe in John 3:16, but at the same time I wonder about how life began for humanity. Are we from a cell organism that grew into humans or did God created us through Adam and Eve? I pray so I will continue to pray for the right path, safety, patience and more. Spiritual I scored myself as a 6 because I have a long way to go in Christ.
Physically, I find myself relapsing in my fitness. About a month ago I started going to the gym working out 3 times week 2 hours per visit, and now I think the last time I have been to the gym was 2 weeks ago. I truly have no excuse other than developing the swine flu 4 days ago. Sometimes I think my health is my only reason why I don’t stay in the gym. I hate seeing myself losing my balance or unable to pick up a weight not because of how much it weights but because my muscles are too weak. I also need to eat healthier and stay away from all the additives that are in non organic foods. I know so much on what is unhealthy in foods to the point where I tell doctors what to do for their patients. Over all I scored myself as a 7.
As I look at my life, I see the changes that need to be done if I want to have been human flourishing. My goal is to take one step at a time and use the exercises in Dacher’s book for my mind. I feel once I have my mind in order the other parts of my life will follow. In the book that I spoke of earlier Awakening to Mindfulness it covers 10 steps for a positive change, and I plan to follow the steps. The more positivity feels I have in my life the better my personal and professional life will be.
For me physically goals I have a list: 1. Eat more organically and leave fast foods alone. 2. Start going back to the gym for 30 minutes 3 times a week. 3. Take a yoga class for my mind-body-soul. & 4. Start on a medication that will slow down my disease.
In order for me to achieve my goals in health and wellness, I plan to keep a journal of my life everyday from what I eat to see my counselor weekly as well as intending a church every Saturday. I plan to find a partner who shares some of the same goals, so we can fight this positive fight together.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Thoughts on Meditation the Subtle Mind & Loving Kindness

From what I've learned from taking this class the two meditation exercise I found have the most affect on me are the subtle mind and loving kindness. With the subtle mind I see myself able to engage in witnessing my mind more. The witnessing of my mind so fare has allow me to focus more on whatever I'm doing. This is great for me since I was once told I had ADD. Even saying that I have ADD is beginning to be hard for me to except since I'm being to also do more mindful meditation. With mindfulness I find it funny to listen to people say the same thing in different ways and not just say it one time.

The loving kindness have been great for me and my family because each relationship have been better. I try not to judge and if they need help I am able to be more selfless instead of selfish. With the universal loving kindness I am able to listen to others and show more caring feelings even with the people who I have had bad connections with.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just thoughts

Since being apart of the Creating Wellness class my thoughts, actions, my overall lifestyle is changing. I know it is a good thing but sometimes it's scares me. I'm truly starting to see without blinders on lol. I can not just listen to the news without feeling sadness from someone else being hurt or murdered. I feel so much pain for them. The other day my husband was reading to me about what a mother (MOTHER) did to her baby. I felt like I was dying inside as he read it to me. Mediation was the only way for me to release the negative feelings I was getting from that news article. Sometimes I just wander if there is something wrong with me to pick up so much energy even when it isn't in the same place where I'm at. OK this is just my thought & feelngs...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meeting Asciepius

It's have been almost a week and I still cannot mediate track 4 on Dacher's CD. No matter how much I try in the morning, before going to been I just can't release all the chatter that is in my head. I feel it is because all the stress I've been going through lately with my daughter's MRI and trying to complete my other class of fitness even though I can hardly walk now. I will continue to try to mediate until I can Meet Ascipeius.

"One cannot lead another where one has not gone himself” (P.477) This is a statement that not too many doctors think about once their job become a repetition. I believe people who are in the health and wellness field should have their psychological, physical, and spiritual (mind-body-spirit) in order. If they do not have balance in their live how could they possibly help others. There have been many times when I saw doctor or doctors just to think they are a joke on what I need to do with my health when I see them out of shape, poor diet and so easily distracted by other thoughts intend of focusing on the patient. Doctors cannot tell or should not tell patients to exercise or go on a diet if they don't do it. Most patients will not listen to anyone who looks the total opposite to what they are saying.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The universal Loving Kindness

When I did the universal Loving Kindness exercise I made sure to do it before I went to sleep. I found out after the third time I did the exercise at night I slept better.

During the night before I go to sleep I play a soft sound of music that helps relax me along with taking deep breaths. I well on to say words of positive words for myself as well as others. These words are from "Universal Loving Kindness" meditation by Venerable Henepola Gunaratana: UNIVERSAL LOVING KINDNESS

May I be well, happy, and peaceful.
May no harm come to me.
May no difficulties come to me.
May no problems come to me.
May I always meet with success.
May I also have patience, courage, understanding, and determination
To meet and overcome inevitable difficulties, problems, and failures in life.
May my parents be well, happy, and peaceful.
May my teachers be well,and success
May my relatives be well and find peace
May my friends be well and find peace
May all persons be well and find peace
May my enemies be well and find peace
May all living beings be well, happy and peaceful

I realize when I was saying these words I needed to say them with energy and believe what I was saying. It was hard for me to say loving words when it came to my enemies. I started feeling very negative because it brought up images of the time when I was rape. God it took a lot out of me. I then started to see what areas I need to focus on in my life. Love. I need to start showing love and have more Patience in my life. Love and patience to myself and Love and patience to those who are close to me. I plan to continue the subtle mind exercise because I was able to receive more from it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


This blog isn't on the exercise, I just feel so happy that I was able to live out a dream. All my life I wanted to be on film. I guess I didn't have enough self confidence to go for it until a couple of days ago. I put my shyness aside along with negative thought and went in to be an extra for a movie with Mark Walberg (YESSS). Now that I had a taste, I don't want to stop having the feeling. I love being on the movie set, I love it so much that next month I will take acting classes (no shyness) and have fun doing something I love.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Subtle mind energy

I wish I had the CD to tell you how I was able to do the subtle mind exercise but I don't so I'm going to tell you another exercise that is simpler to what Dacher addresses in his book. Subtle mind energy is sometimes called the Aura. I found out by focusing on a point in my room I was able to block out everything. There was a point where I was scared because someone rang the door bell, but I was able to redirect my focus again. Part of my exercise was to hold my arms out, bring my hands closer together and feel the energy between my hands. During this exercise I had to say ‘I ask that the TrueSpirit teams work with me NOW. I ask that they give me everything to make me as sensitive as possible to all the subtle energies around me. I ask to have my sensitivity to subtle energies amplified a million fold. I ask for this now – and so it is – thank you.’ The quote from Constance Rodriguez a spiritual teacher who help others develop their Aura. Any how I continued with the exercise for nearly 30 minutes. When I was finish I was able to feel more of my surrounds (this was kind of weird) of the energy. When a family member was approaching the door to come in I could tell who it was before the door open. Is feeling energy good? I think so because it will help tell the body when it is in danger or not.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Loving Kindness exercise

Sun Bible!Image by Denis Collette...!!! via Flickr

For some reason I didn't receive a CD to the Dacher book so I had to research ways to do the loving kindness exercise along with reading page 67-69

Love is the most powerful force. I kept this thought in my mind as I also thought of my children. They are the best parts on me. Relaxed myself in a room with no interferences around me was first hard but I was able to block out noise from outside chatter. Once I was I was able to focus , I thought of love of my children, their laughter, smiles, and funny faces they would make when they are playing. It was hard for me to turn the same feelings I have for my children on myself. After maybe 10-15 min give or take I decided to stop because I started realizing I never think about loving myself.
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

A time for me to Think

Today I decided to go sit in the park since it was a nice day (finally). For the first time I was silence and still. I had a change to reflect on chapter 4 integral healing and boy did I learn a lot. What can it take for my human existence to flourish? How can I start. In Dacher's book it say to remove negativity from the life (not in these words), but how could I when it is within my family? I thought of all the things I've done wrong to others to cause the negativity on my part. Even when I try to make amends, I get slap in my face with the past. So many people around me always look at the past. I try my hardest to forget the past since all it does is keep the heart bind up. Now that I know about how the neuropeptides in the body be it positive or negative has a long effect I intentional chose to keep things positive. I want my mind, body and spirit to be heal.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


A Little Book of Forgiveness, D. Patrick MillerImage by elycefeliz via Flickr

Forgiveness can be a powerful tool in healing. I'm beginning to learn this though my life. Without forgiven others who has hurt your soul or body sickness can take over. So I choice to forgive my father for not being here in my life the way a father should. I choice to forgive my mother and my aunts for not sending me on a true path. I choice to see a positive side to this, I am stronger, loving, honest, and as I continue my goals spiritual. Thank you GOD for keeping me as I go through life's test...
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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael JacksonMichael Jackson via

I'm fill with so much sadness for the lost of such a beautiful person (Michael Jackson) who was able to look pass the media. I never met the man but I wish those who were close to him had help with him with the addition. Now there is a new generation of kids who are playing Jackson 5 and MJ music I hope his music will live on. Make God Bless him

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Friday, June 26, 2009

My Reflection

As I reflect on my life I know there are many things I need to work on. On the scale of 1 - 10 my physical well being is 5. I say 5 because of my health. I'm not able to do the things I used too to like taking long walks or jogging. Multiple sclerosis has taken a lot out of me. My spirituality, where can I start? Well on a scale of 1 - 10 I'm not sure. I guess I could say 3 and not because I don't know who my God is or that I don't like to say I'm a christian, it's only because I hear to many mixed messages on how to live. On my psychological well being I feel I'm a 6. This because I came a long way from where I was towards myself and others. I do know I still have a lot of growing to do.
My goals to have optimal well being for my physical body is to start having a better diet and to continue going to the gym. I feel once I start eating three meals a day with the MS diet my body will improve. A spiritual goal for me is to start praying more, find a church that I feel welcome in that truly follow the way to salvation. My psychological goal is find a way to remove the bad stress, the anger, and the depression.
As I try to be on a path to have my goals become reality I will set up a exercising program that will show me how to eat ie time, how much cal etc. I will then find a fitness coach that can show me the right equipment to use to have better shape. Spiritual I plan to go to different churches and research online to see what each church follow. I would also like to meet more christian people who are non judgemental, this will help me talk to people to find out their views and energy. Lastly for my psychological goal I will continue meeting with my counselor, and communicate better with the love ones around me.
The Crime of the Century relaxation exercise was frustrating at first but toward the middle I became dizzy. I feel like I wasn't in my body. (still not sure how to take that one) Over all I think I will try this exercise again

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Il rilassamento della mente, il corpo e lo spirito

wheat is ready to harvest...Image by Bern@t via Flickr

I'm sitting in a room with no windows, no lights, only the soft sounds of hynotic music in the back ground. I'm taking 10 deep breaths. I feel my heart beating, my head feels light. I'm relax. The back ground music takes me to a happy place in my youth where I feel safe. I feel myself running through a field that smells like Iris. The positive energy is all around me. This is GOD!

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Positive Subconscious Suggestions

I remove all negative mental ghosts from my mind. I now substitute in their place positive mental forces. I realize the past is gone and cannot affect me. I now operate in the eternal now and fill my mind with only positive thoughts. I remove the mental blocks of failure and substitute success. I remove all past experiences of accident, sickness, misery, and failure and in their place I substitute security, health, happiness and success. I remove all hate, fear, worry and in their place I imprint thoughts of faith in God, confidence, joy and radiance.

by Anthony Norvell (1971) Mind Cosmology

I found this suggestion while I was in a moment of weakness over my health. Since than I know I can fight any and everything that comes my way. As long as I have God in my life and give him my yoke, he will watch over me and my family...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spiritual Awakening - Relaxation - Pan Pipes - Awesome video clips here

Spiritual Relaxation

What does it mean by "Spiritual Relaxation? Well spiritual relaxation is when you can withdraw from both the body and the mind. Right now I feel when a person say they are relaxing, they are merely just closing their eyes. Spiritually relaxing is more then physically and mentally removing oneself from an emotional state. Relaxation in the spirit is when the man or woman can separate from the ego-consciousness.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thoughts of Destiny

Me telling my thoughts doesn't come easy for me. I've been told I'm like a brick wall, hard to break through. Because this blog is required in this class this is my chance to speak on things I'm still trying to learn. About 6 months ago I started reading a book called Thinking and Destiny: Being the Science of Man by Harold Waldwin Percival. The first question that comes to mind is "What is destiny?". There are four forms of destiny: Psychic, Physical, Mental, and Noetic destiny. For this post I want to discuss Mental destiny. To me Mental destiny means things that effects the consciousness or is trans-psychic. So far I've learn when a person is in deep sleep the body is disconnected from the four senses as well as the nerve ramifications in the outer brain and the pituitary body. Can a person in a trans-psychic setting heal their body from diseases? Trans-Psychic healing is the ability to cure an illness by changing the sick person's energy field.